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Instructions for Classic Gaming Arena

Classic Gaming Arena (or CGA) is the new way forward for DOS Multiplayer and is the future for how we at the Deathmatch Club host our events. It supports a comprehensive list of games and lets you join and create game rooms with ease! It even has mod support for select games with a working database for uploading and downloading user content!

Setting up CGA Client

1. Set up an account at Classic Gaming Arena either at the website or from the client itself. (it's free don't worry lol)

2. Download the client if you haven't already. If you are running on modern hardware, choose Windows Vista+ (64-bit). However if you are on native Windows 9x hardware then choose Windows 95/98/ME (Native). There are versions with or without DOSBox for Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista 32-bit.

3. Install the client and log in!

Adding and Configuring a Game

1. On the main page there should be two tabs at the top-left. The two tabs are "Game Rooms" and "My Games", select "My Games".

2. This will show your existing list of games that you've added. Obviously it will be empty if you haven't added any games yet.

3. Click add button.

4. It should show the window depicted below. Select the desired game from the dropdown.

5. Select from the Configuration Type Dropdown just below. Select GOG or Steam if you got it from either of those places, select manual if you got it a different way.

6. Select the path where the game is installed (namely where the game's main EXE is)

- If you're using the GOG or Steam profiles it should automatically mount the CD image if there is one
- If you're using the Manual profile, you will have to specify the image file yourself, as well as check the boxes "Use CD," "CD is ISO," and set the Virtual CD drive to D

7. Feel free to customize your other settings how you please. For DOSBox Users, also max out the memory setting for good measure.

8. Press Ok and everything should be configured.

9. There should now be an option to run your game's setup as well (labelled "Setup"). Use this to configure your in-game settings to your liking and just make sure everything's working how you want it to.

10. You're all set, get playin!

Creating a Game Room

1. click the "Add a new game room" button a window should appear (see image below)

2. Set your room name and select the desired game.

3. Select the desired amount of players.

4. Select a hosting server from the Server dropdown

5. Choose if you want Audio chat on or off, configure that as you please.

6. In the "Add-Ons" tab, be sure to double-click on any specific mods/maps you want to use.

6b. Most games have the Options tab, configure that as you please.

7. Hit Ok. The room should now be open.

NOTE : If you want to advertise your lobby, you can check the "Announce in chat lobby" and/or "Announce in Discord" checkboxes and it will promote your lobby in the chat lobby and/or in the Classic Gaming Arena Discord server.

Uploading Mods

1. Click View from the menu at the top of the main window and select "Game Add-Ons". You can also access it from the "Add-Ons" tab in the Create Game Room window.

2. Put your desired mod files into a ZIP file and select them with through "..." button at the top right.

3. Put in any appropriate info such as the mod name, author, description, etc.

4. IMPORTANT: When the ZIP is selected, make sure you select each of the files in the bottom-left box and then click on the right-facing arrow to add them to add them to the "Mod files" list on the bottom right. It should look like the example image below when you're done.