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IPXNET Batch Files (Connect Faster!)

Prior to using Classic Gaming Arena, community members and regulars connected to each other a bit more manually with the assistance of a dedicated IPXNET server called ipxbox, alongside various .BAT files included in various patches or packages and can also be self-created. .BAT files also helped run addons a bit easily without too much mess.

Not only this makes connecting to a server more faster, it doesn't lead you to alt-tab just to look at the IP typing it down.

1. Open up a text editor of choice, like Notepad.

2. Type in the following :

ipxnet "IP ADDRESS" "PORT"

Example : ipxnet 10000

3. Save the changes and close the file.

There you could drop the newly created .BAT file inside a mounted directory (I store this at the root of the mounted drive and run it by typing the filename and pressing enter.
Example : fraggle.bat